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Interaction Policies

I allow you to contact me for the sake of transparency.

However, I do have rules on what I'd prefer to see when you contact me. Generally speaking, it boils down to these 10 things:

1. Do not contact me just to annoy me

This first one I am serious about - I go through enough trouble in school as it is, and the negative things you need to say are not required, no matter how serious you think that they are. If you have something bad to say about me, keep it to yourself.

2. Do not block evade

I've seen several users block evade other people's blocks, so I feel that I should add this here. If I've blocked you, it was for a reason. Like I said on the FAQ page, I don't block people for no reason. To reasonable users, blocks are not usually used, but if I do need to block someone, there is always a reason hehind it.

3. Do not contact me if you are trying to start drama

This one sort of works in conjunction with the first rule, but I feel that is should be here. I don't have the time to deal with dramas online, so I'd prefer if you didn't contact me if you are trying to start one. 

4. Absolutely no derogatory terms should be used in my comments section

This rule is very much self explanatory - derogatory terms are not permitted in any comment section I may have. If you are found to be saying these things, you will be blocked without warning and possibly also reported.

5. Be wary

Please be aware that if you do wish to contact me that I like to use :3, :), and <3 quite a lot. If you don't feel comfortable with me using these, it would be for the best that you didn't contact me. I also try to keep my responses as short as I can; if you want the full explaination of something, please let me know.

6. Do not attempt to overwork me.

Please don't set up unrealistic expectations for my content, or try to control what I do using force or aggressive wording. I do what I do for the fun of it and to entertain others, so please don't treat it as life or death. 

7. For those that don't like my content

My content is done for the fun if it as I have previously mentioned. I appreciate anyone that likes my content, but I usually ignore those who don't. If you don't like my content, and you know someone that does, leave them alone. You are only going to start drama that (once again) nobody wants.

8. I am not obliged to respond to anyone

Although I do try to respond to as many people as I can, you aren't obliged to a response. If I ignore your response for more than a week, I may not want to speak with you and I may have also deleted it.

9. I can't guarantee that I can fufill every video suggestion I get, or that I can get videos out on time

I'm always open and accepting of new video ideas, but please don't pester me with them, because unlike i-win (no matter what she says), I actually have a life outside of tech creation, and a sparse amount of time to create content. If you are looking for a constant stream of content, go to my TikTok on @RalziTech

10. Abide by the Freakcircle AUP (regardless of the site that you are trying to contact me on)

Every contact you make to me (no matter the social site) has to be within the Freakcircle Acceptable Usage Policies. If they aren't I may have to block you. Remember - a link to the full list of the Freakcircle Acceptable Usage Policies is always in the footer for easy access.

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