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2024 was a
wild ride

From false accusations, to no reason blocks, to unannounced rebrands, to hate societies and anti-acts, and with more to come, 2024 has been nothing but a wild ride, but it was a good one to say the least, so let's look back on 2024 from start to end, and also, what is in store for the future!

Janurary 2024 saw me running the iXMD project, a Figma design project based on desktop and mobile user interfaces. This was also in the middle of the Shrinelink to i-fail movement, which completed on Janurary 20th, 2024. As well as iXMD, The Lerainzer Partnership had also just started, with livestreams, videos, and even more every week on the Lerainzer YouTube channel! As well as this, my YouTube channel, named i-failtech at the time, was launched!


February 2024 saw me working on more videos for The Lerainzer Partnership, and also moving further towards the i-fail brand, closer and closer every day. 


That was of course, until March rolled around, where stuff took a turn for the worse.

Februrary 2024

March 2024 started rough, with a false accusation from the YouTuber i-win. This prompted for me to rebrand all of my social media services to Shrinelinkdev2x, which was the second brand before RalziTech. 


As well as this, the i-win hate society was launched by me and Lerainzer on the 20th of March


It wasn't all bad though, as in April of 2024, everything was rebranded to Shrinelinkdev2x, i-win was off my case for a little bit after denying what she did, and things seemed to be returning to normal, which they did for some time.


May 2024 was interesting to say the least. First, i-win apologizes out of nowhere, then I find out that Aldi sells chips and dip, then I found out that the guy at Dartford station says "finally!" every single time I buy a ticket, and on top of all of that, Vensprites stole my right to view his content, and left the front door open blyat.


June 2024 saw me taking my PPE exams in school. My results were alright, but definetly nothing to ride home about, that's for sure. In this month, I also got blocked by i-win for no reason on everything and banned from her Discord server. That is the last time I heard from her.


July 2024 saw me getting into the Netflix series Paradise PD, which I completed in mid August. As well as this, the RalziTech brand was one month away from introduction. Nothing much notable happened here, other than The Lerainzer Partnership ending, but otherwise, this was a good month.


August 2024 was BIG - starting with my 15th birthday, the creation of my Instagram account, The Ponik Partnership, my first viral video, me and exyvt becoming besties, and of course, the introduction of the RalziTech brand!

August 2024 wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though, as this was the month me and exyvt founded The Anti Snowby Act after we both got blocked by Snowby for no reason.

Other than that, this was probably the best month of all of them!


September 2024 saw me back at school, gearing up towards GCSE exams in next June of 2025, me using my laptop for work which I was previously not allowed to do, and on top of all that, everything regarding school had improved insignificantly, so this was a good month too!


October 2024 saw me running Krita on an HP Stream 7 tablet, and moving further to those inevitable GCSE exams in June. As well as this, I was also testdriving a Moto e20 for the month. It went well, but just like my PPE results, it wasn't anything to ride home about.


In November 2024 at the time of writing, I have published 4 videos on YouTube, with my most viral one being this one, and started a new livestream series called "The Advent Stream" on Twitch! As well as this, my channel kept growing and growing, and eventually passed the 50 mark!


Currently, as it is December, I'm hosting a livestream series live on Twitch, where I'll stream from the 1st to the 31st of December to trial everyday streaming, as well as to have fun. In these streams, we'll play some Kahoot, maybe some DindeGDPS, a bit of TSW5 and also have some fun with my Pi400 and chat with other members of Freakcircle.



In conclusion, 2024 was a very interesting and wild year, filled of stuff that I expected, and stuff I didn't, both good and bad. 2024 wasn't just a good year, it was the start of something great, which is only going to get better in 2025! The best thing about it was that I spent it with you, my fans!

What's next?

To put it simply: a lot.


I want 2025 to be the year where RalziTech really takes off in popularity. I'm already proving myself worthy as a small content creator, and I hope that this stays how it is. As well as more and better content, I'm also going to redesign this site a little bit to clean it up, as it isn't the cleanest site in the world.


I never thought that I could persue content creation as a side thing to do, but here we are. I thank you all for your unwavering support throughout this year, be it through social media comments, subscribers and followers, direct messages and emails, and everything else in between, and look forward to creating more and even better content for you and everyone else in 2025.


- RalziTech

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