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Frequently asked questions

Please don't ask me anything that I've already answered here - it wastes my time


Why have I been blocked by RalziTech?

The reason that I've blocked you on anything depends on several different factors. Examples include:


  • Alternative accounts of people I've blocked in the past

  • People that I know are trying to start drama on purpose

  • People that I know are i-win or Snowby supporters

  • People that make me feel uncomfortable


I don't go around blocking people for no reason. Also, I usually unblock people that I've blocked after about a month or so (but it may be longer or indefinetly depending on the situation). If you didn't do anything to deserve a block however, and you have proof of this, email me on Because I'm no Snowby3D, I won't tell you to cry about your doings. If I blocked you, don't take it personally, and try and set yourself better for the future.


Also, when I say that I block people that make me feel uncomfortable, they would have to mention me (even in text or by @) with this content that they are trying to make me feel uncomfortable with.​


Why has my account on your website been suspended?

The reason that I've suspended your account has it's own seperate set of rules, the main one being this "Rebel Against RalziTech" rubbish that NewHorizons is spreading. Keep in mind that your usage of this site is governed by Freakcircle's  AUP, even if you are not signed in. If your account is suspended, a message will be sent by either me or defaultuser0, the system user.​


How does Ralzi make their proof of concepts?

If it's a visual proof of concept that doesn't need to be made into a video, I just use Figma. If it needs to be a video, then I will do so using my main editor, Kdenlive.


Does Ralzi have a specific OC?

Yes, yes I do!


What font does Ralz use?

Mainly ITC Lubalin Graph Demi, Light and Standard, as this is the font that Southeastern uses. On rare occasions I may also use Righteous (aka Artifyber Sans), Josefin Sans or Segoe UI.


Why the Southeastern design language?

Simply put: Southeastern is a very recognizable brand for me; I've been using their services since the age of 3, and their design language just seemed to stick with me, so that's why I use it now.


Does Ralzi do video editing commissions?

Not as of yet. Possibly after I finish my GCSEs, but I can't guarantee it since I'm probably gonna be hindered by other things that are yet to come after that.


Where did the name "RalziTech" come from?

The name "RalziTech" comes from the Deltarune character Ralsei. I would have called myself RalseiTech however if someone on TikTok didn't take it first.


What happened between you and NewHorizons?

I do not wish to disclose what happened between me and NewHorizons at this time. I am working on a full expose website on him as we speak.


What languages can you speak?

As of now, I can speak English and German. You can interact with me in any of these two languages, but English is my native language so I'd prefer that.​


Weren't you that Shrinelink/i-fail guy?

Well, I was, but now I'm pivoting my operations to this new RalziTech brand


Can I use your content to train AI?

It depends - If you want to use my content to train AI, please email me on first.​​


Where can I find your interaction policies?

My interaction policies intertwine with the Freakcircle Acceptable Usage Policies, but I have provided a full list of them on the "Interaction Policies" page


Why don't you respond to DMs on some platforms?

I may not respond to DMs on some platforms for several reasons, but the main one being that I don't utilize the platform anymore. For more information, go to RZT Status.


Can I reupload your videos?

Just like with if you want to train AI with my content, it depends. I have no specific policies on reuploads of my content to other sites. If you want to reupload one to a site I don't use, let me know on Any content reuploaded without contacting me first may have a take-down request thrown at it.


Why does Ralzi add "?refferer=ralzitech" onto the end of links?

To put it simply, this line of text mostly doesnt do anything, it's more to indicate in screenshots that you came to that website from this one. Examples:






Referrers do not work for some websites!


English or Spanish?



I want to request a take-down of something on this site or somewhere else, how do I do it?

If you want to request a takedown of something on the site or somewhere else, go here.


"I'm Anti Ralzi"

Stay away from me and get a life. 

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