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Hey, if you are someone trying to get in contact with me over a block, or would like to know why I blocked you, refer to this page here.

making tech content.
not false accusations.

Heya! My name is Thomas Derrick Ralseimai Hall, but please call me Ralzi!

I make tech content on the internet for you to enjoy, no matter how cringe people say that it is.


My main social media is on TikTok and YouTube, but I have many more social media pages out there, even on places you wouldn't expect me to be! You can find all of my social media in the header of this site!


I also have a blog where I talk about tech in general; scroll down to see that, as well as all of the other stuff I've left down there!

Welcome to 2025.

I'm looking to make 2025 be the year that my content really takes off in popularity. To see how I'm going to do that, check this page here!

me on youtube!

This is where I upload basically all of my videos to (Shorts included). Here are a few of my videos!


Recently, I decided to sign up for a account, and since it has an RSS feature, I've decided to put it here!

my discord server!

On Sunday, November 10th 2024, I launched the RalziTech Discord server. This server is formed of a growing community of tech enthusiasts just like me and you, and I would appreciate it if you could stop by! It's simple as hitting "Join Discord" on the widget to the left!

In case you are unaware, I am a proud Anti Snowby Act supporter after he blocked me on everything and cursed his fans out online. Since I joined, I have created an expose document on him and his associates. If you want to check it out, click here!

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interested in my blog?

Well, you've made it to the right section! Here are some of my latest blog posts!

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